
While there are tools that can help automate this process (such as ember-cli-github-pages), it might be helpful to understand how this process works manually.


The url CSS datatype should reference image data with a path like url('images/foo.png')*. Images embedded into templates should reference image data with a path such as assets/images/foo.png*.

It is important to not prefix the path with /, since this is a full path on the HTTP server and not relative to ENV.baseURL.

After that, ensure that config/environment.js contains:

if (environment === 'production') {
  ENV.baseURL = '/project-name';
  ENV.locationType = 'hash';

* where foo.png is an image at project-name/public/assets/images/foo.png.


Use ember build --environment production to build the project to dist/.

Deploy to GitHub

First, we’ll checkout the gh-pages branch (see Creating Project Pages manually if you need to create a gh-pages branch) with:

git checkout --orphan gh-pages

Copy the app build into the root of the repository:

cp -R dist/* ./

Add relevant files (not node_modules/,, etc)

git add index.html assets/

Commit and push the changes:

git commit -m 'update gh-pages to a73f45e' && git push

After Action Review

The changes to GitHub pages can take several seconds (around 5-30 seconds) to take effect. Instead of manually creating the gh-pages branch, you can create pages with the automatic generator.